Sunday, January 01, 2006

Pyro Message Board


There are rules on this message board. Please read them before you decide to join.

1) No flaming the Pyro. This board was made for her, not to diss. Be nice.

2) No flaming other members of the boards. No flaming or rudeness towards anyone is allowed in this forum. We understand that sometimes you feel the need to get personal or make offensive comments towards other users, but there are nicer ways to say it and flames will not be tolerated. Do not cuss towards anyone or call anyone names. Rudeness includes offensive or mean comments made to another user because of their musical preference, status on the message boards, age or labeling users as teenies or newbies. Please note that racist and homophobic comments are still not allowed on any forum.

3) Never threaten any forum member, staff member.

4) Posts supporting anti-gay or anti-race groups, anti-gay or anti-race sentiments will not be tolerated. Posts that state disliking towards racial groups or sexual preference are not allowed. No 'gay' or 'retarded' references. This includes comments such as calling anything or anyone "gay" (unless they approve of you doing so because they are) or racial and homophobic slurs. This also includes referring to things or people as retarded or calling them a retard/fag/homo/queer. If it will offend someone, do not say it.

5) Please refrain from creating signatures/threads that change with the formatting of threads/boards. Signatures may be 3 inches in length. Signatures that create a scroll bar at the bottom of forum topics are too wide and must be altered. Signatures that are either too long or too wide will be shortened for you.

6) Post in the forum most closely related to your topic. (e.g. if you are going to post about your goldfish, go to Other instead of the The Art Of Pyro section). If you are confused about which section to post a topic in go to the forum index and view the description under each forum heading, this should help you out. If you do post in the wrong forum your thread will be moved.

7) Do not post anything with graphic sexual content. There are younger users here and pictures containing naked people or parts of naked people, or animals in the act of doing sexual things are not allowed here.

8) Do not flood or spam the forums. This includes advertising on the forum.Advertising in signatures is allowed. Flooding is making multiple similar threads. Spamming is posting pointless topics or topics that advertise websites or products.

9) Please do not ask to become a moderator. Art Of Pyro Message Board staff will contact you if we are looking for new mods. Your posts and reputation here on the site will represent you best when the staff is looking for new friends to work with.

10) Threads will be closed after 2000 posts. You are welcome to create a new thread on the same topic. The reason for this is for threads to be closed and in time deleted, without letting too many build up and slowing down the forums.

11) Do not post in languages other than English. Other languages are used to get by with breaking the rules, this is not allowed. We understand that some users may not speak English so easily and we will not penalize them the first time around, but we ask that you do not carry on topics in different languages

12) Hacking is not allowed on these forums. Hacking is illegal and thus it's not allowed on these forums. Any form of hacking into other peoples accounts, be they a staff member or regular user is against the rules. Also, any disabling of people's accounts either through hacking into a staff member's account and banning them or via an outside source is also considered hacking. Any form of it will result in an instant ban.

13) Have fun. The most important rule. We hope you enjoy your stay here. =)

posted by Casey at 10:26 AM
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This is a fansite for the talented singer, Pyro, from the band Strangeworld Underground. I DO NOT know her or any of the band members personally.

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  • Webmasters

    Name: Casey
    Location: USA
    Age: 20
    Email: ExplosivesAreFun @

    Name: Jen
    Location: USA
    Age: 21
    Email: jashleyb @


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