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Sunday, January 01, 2006
CHAT TRANSRIPT 2 7/4/06 Pyro chats with Casey on AIM DMstreetteam86 (3:14:23 PM): Hey, Pyro!!! PyroDoomsday (3:14:36 PM): Hey, how's it going? DMstreetteam86 (3:15:32 PM): Awesome, how about you? What are you guys doing for the 4th? How is FlameHead? PyroDoomsday (3:16:12 PM): I'm good. We're probably gonna head downtown and see the big fireworks show. Are you all gonna shoot some off? DMstreetteam86 (3:17:03 PM): We're just gonna watch the city show too....with my family. Fireworks are outlawed here. PyroDoomsday (3:17:34 PM): Yeah same here. And I LOVE to make things explode. Haha. DMstreetteam86 (3:22:49 PM): Yeah I bet! PYRO. lol. DMstreetteam86 (3:23:08 PM): Hey um, my friend Manda says hey. You know Amanda. PyroDoomsday (3:23:16 PM): Yeah I remember. PyroDoomsday (3:23:36 PM): Tell her I said WAAASSUUPPP!?!?!! DMstreetteam86 (3:23:52 PM): lol ok PyroDoomsday (3:24:43 PM): Anyways...I'm gonna run to the fridge and get some leftover spagetti. I'll sign back on in a minute. DMstreetteam86 (3:25:11 PM): Okay. Enjoy your lunch! It's been a while since I got to talk to you, so hurry back. lol PyroDoomsday (3:25:22 PM): Heh, okay. See you in a bit. DMstreetteam86 (3:26:06 PM): Okay! PyroDoomsday signed off at 3:26:23 PM. PyroDoomsday signed on at 3:51:07 PM. DMstreetteam86 (3:59:15 PM): Hey! PyroDoomsday (3:59:27 PM): Yo. DMstreetteam86 (3:59:34 PM): How was your spagetti? PyroDoomsday (4:00:43 PM): Delicious. DMstreetteam86 (4:01:12 PM): Anyways... DMstreetteam86 (4:01:29 PM): Those photoshops you did in the forum are really funny. PyroDoomsday (4:01:41 PM): Heheh, thanks. I get a little crazy sometimes. DMstreetteam86 (4:01:57 PM): Yeah. that one with the hairy chest is really uh.....lmfao. PyroDoomsday (4:02:07 PM): Heheh. DMstreetteam86 (4:02:45 PM): I think I DMstreetteam86 (4:02:54 PM): think ill put it on my site DMstreetteam86 (4:02:59 PM): lolz DMstreetteam86 (4:04:31 PM): So since the album is coming out soon, can you go ahead and tell me anything about what it'll be like? I heard 'sleep' and 'worm' already. and i reaally love them. but like. what else will be on there. other types of material, or what? PyroDoomsday (4:05:32 PM): Yeah, "Sleep" and "Worm" shows only a few of the styles we put into our music. DMstreetteam86 (4:05:58 PM): ohh? PyroDoomsday (4:06:52 PM): Yeah. We've got some other stuff we're working on. Some of our heavier songs have more of a raw sound. And we're also doing some intrumental, electronica stuff. We're even thinking about putting two bonues tracks on there and make them funny clips of us being stupid and joke songs. DMstreetteam86 (4:08:08 PM): Coolness...I guess ill just have to wait till the album comes out. PyroDoomsday (4:09:00 PM): Heh. Thanks. PyroDoomsday (4:09:15 PM): We WILL be releasing some more preview tracks soon. Not sure when though. DMstreetteam86 (4:09:23 PM): Okay thanks. DMstreetteam86 (4:09:42 PM): So I heard from somewhere that you were doing a side project? PyroDoomsday (4:10:35 PM): Ummm well I can't really say much about it. DMstreetteam86 (4:10:37 PM): Hahaha. PyroDoomsday (4:11:42 PM): But it's not really rock music. It's kind of a folky style I'm experimenting with. PyroDoomsday (4:11:59 PM): It's not something I would normally do....but I'm working with some great people. DMstreetteam86 (4:16:35 PM): Coolness. Is it a separate band or what? PyroDoomsday (4:16:45 PM): Yeah, but I can't tell you the band name or anything yet. DMstreetteam86 (4:16:50 PM): Ahhh. DMstreetteam86 (4:17:04 PM): Hey, Amanda made a thread in your forum, I would like you to see. DMstreetteam86 (4:17:11 PM): http://doomsdayforum.proboards45.com/index.cgi?board=forum&action=display&thread=1152045549&page=1#1152047719 PyroDoomsday (4:18:11 PM): Okay... PyroDoomsday (4:20:16 PM): Oh cool. We only have two mods right now, actually. But we usually only pick people we know personally for mods. DMstreetteam86 (4:20:24 PM): Oh. PyroDoomsday (4:20:51 PM): But, you know....this might be great for future reference...so you guys should go ahead and fill that out. DMstreetteam86 (4:21:00 PM): Okies! thanks! PyroDoomsday (4:21:09 PM): Heheh, you're welcome. PyroDoomsday (4:21:36 PM): Hey, I gotta go in a few minutes here.....anything else you wanna ask? or whatever? DMstreetteam86 (4:22:10 PM): Umm... DMstreetteam86 (4:22:25 PM): Well Manda says bye! DMstreetteam86 (4:22:31 PM): and thanks for looking at her thread PyroDoomsday (4:22:42 PM): Oh, it's no problem. PyroDoomsday (4:23:11 PM): Tell her I like her idea. She seems like she wanted to know... DMstreetteam86 (4:23:43 PM): cool! DMstreetteam86 (4:23:48 PM): well thanks again. DMstreetteam86 (4:23:51 PM): have a good day! DMstreetteam86 (4:24:02 PM): tell flamehead and donnie and your manager and everyone i said hello. DMstreetteam86 (4:24:06 PM): and good luck with writing! DMstreetteam86 (4:24:11 PM): and have fun tonight! PyroDoomsday (4:24:33 PM): Haha, okay thanks. See you around. PyroDoomsday signed off at 4:24:56 PM. CHAT TRANSRIPT 1 6/11/06 Pyro chats with Manda on AIM LinkinPark r0xZ: Hi. Forgive me if I'm bothering you. I have a friend thats a big fan of you and this band you're in. I haven't really heard of you all, except seeing her talking about it. I tend to check you all out. But can you... make her day and sign up at her message bored... a fan site about you... http://pyrofansite.proboards98.com/index.cgi she seems to have a lot of respect. PyroDoomsday: uh, wow. I'm sorry, I seem to have left my AIM on. Heheh. Okay, so this is a message board? PyroDoomsday: can you hold on, one second? I have to close all of these other messages. Let me just go invisible. PyroDoomsday signed off at 4:26 PM PyroDoomsday: Okay, I'm still here. Are you there? LinkinPark r0xZ: Yeah. PyroDoomsday: Alrighty, well, I'll just check that out. just a second. LinkinPark r0xZ: Thanks. She was talking about you signing up, and I said I'd try to see if you could... lol. PyroDoomsday: Oh, wow! Hah, this is pretty cool! PyroDoomsday: I wasn't aware that someone considered me a work or Art. PyroDoomsday: I have some time tday, so let me browse a little and we'll see. Nice to meet you by the way. PyroDoomsday: work of Art is what I meant to sa. Scuse me. LinkinPark r0xZ: Cool, nice to meet you too. Lol. I never tend to catch typos. PyroDoomsday: Heh, good becuase I'm a moron. LinkinPark r0xZ: Me too. PyroDoomsday: It's funny, I was closing a whole lot of messages people let me on here, and I was going to close AIM when your message just popped up. LinkinPark r0xZ: Oh. Haha. You should make two aim names. One for private use and one for the fans. So, when you feel like getting on, you won't have to worry about that. But I seee going invisiable works too. PyroDoomsday: Yeah, I do have two. I was talking to some fans last night, and some work people. but I guess I left it up after I went out to eat. LinkinPark r0xZ: Oh, haha. PyroDoomsday: Hey this is a neat board. Is it for a specific website? LinkinPark r0xZ: yeah her site... want to see it? PyroDoomsday: Love to. PyroDoomsday: I'm really flattered. :-D LinkinPark r0xZ: ok.. http://www.xanga.com/pyrofansite LinkinPark r0xZ: Lol, if only Mike Shinoda could see mine. PyroDoomsday: I know that name..... PyroDoomsday: Linkin Park? LinkinPark r0xZ: Yup. PyroDoomsday: Yeah yeah, I was in Dallas checking out some project he was doing. Pretty damn cool. I picked up a free cd. :) PyroDoomsday: He's the hat guy right? really weird about his hat.... LinkinPark r0xZ: Fort Minor <333 PyroDoomsday: Yeah. He's a nice dude. LinkinPark r0xZ: Lol. Mike loves his caps. I've got to chat with him some on the message board.... he just doesn't have a aim like you do =( PyroDoomsday: Hah. Probably does. Yeah those boys were fun. PyroDoomsday: Anyway, this site is pretty neat. What a compliment! PyroDoomsday: Oooh, damn. It looks like some people are catching on to the whole name change thing. :o LinkinPark r0xZ: I see. PyroDoomsday: Hey I'm still looking around, so can you hold on a second? LinkinPark r0xZ: sure. PyroDoomsday: Hey I think I may sign up, but I cant promise to post much. lol. LinkinPark r0xZ: Lol. It's fine. I'm sure she'll be happy that you joined. PyroDoomsday: Which one is she? LinkinPark r0xZ: Casey PyroDoomsday: Hahaha, I don't even remember the last time I saw this picture. PyroDoomsday: http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a261/pyrofansite/Rare%20and%20Exclusive%20Photos/f4d4ba3e.jpg LinkinPark r0xZ: Hehe. I like the pink tips. PyroDoomsday: Hahaha. PyroDoomsday: Ask herwhere she got it. I'd be interested to know. I don't even have this one. LinkinPark r0xZ: Oh, she just told me she got it from a website. she thinks it said it was from someone that went to school with you. PyroDoomsday: this Art Of Pyro thing is neat. They changed it. Because I think someone has shown me this... PyroDoomsday: But not the message board. LinkinPark r0xZ: oh... cool. cool. LinkinPark r0xZ: Oh, I see you're from texes (looking at you're profile thingy on the board) I'm from Louisiana. PyroDoomsday: Yeah, I live in Austin. PyroDoomsday: Heheh, sorry about the "Not-Pyro" thing. I was just messing around.....I'll change it back. LinkinPark r0xZ: Cool. I haven't been there. But I have been to dallas and huston before. PyroDoomsday: Austin is a music town. That's where we have all our stuff based. LinkinPark r0xZ: Lol. It's fine. Lol. I dare you to go post on the "Pyro should join thread" I told them I would get you to sign up by bugging you... they all find me funny O.o LinkinPark r0xZ: Cool. I'll have to check out some music.... cause I haven't heard anything by you guys. PyroDoomsday: I just did. PyroDoomsday: We have a free track out right now. We'll put more up later on. It's called Worm. It's a special live studio recording. The fancy cd one will sound totally different. LinkinPark r0xZ: Cool. I don't like checking music out on sites, cause I have dial-up (if you know what thats about.) It bugs the crap out of me. But I don't complain, cause I don't have to pay to have the net. PyroDoomsday: Yeah, that's fine. I had dial up long ago.....horible experience. PyroDoomsday: horrible, i mean. heh. LinkinPark r0xZ: Lol. It's un fun. Cause it loads, stops, replay... and repeats. PyroDoomsday: I'm trying to think of a funny picture to put on there....for my avatar. LinkinPark r0xZ: Lol. Hmm. LinkinPark r0xZ: Btw, i'm the "Anna Shinoda <3" on there... my display name. PyroDoomsday: Okay cool. Is your name Anna? LinkinPark r0xZ: No. It's actually Amanda... I'm kinod of a big fan of Mike Shinoda's wife, cause... she's pretty and all that, and I just put that in there. I'll probably change it soon. I can't stick with a name long, cause i get bored of it. PyroDoomsday: Oh okay, lol. I see. PyroDoomsday: I'm gonna write a note before I go. LinkinPark r0xZ: ok. =). LinkinPark r0xZ: Hey. I know that your nickname is pyro. If you don't mind me asking, whats your real name? PyroDoomsday: I go by Pyro. But if you're asking about what I use to sign official stuff? Jennie Doomsday. That's my legal alias.....but I only use that for work, outside of the public. LinkinPark r0xZ: Lol. Jennie is the name your partents gave you? I was just wondering... PyroDoomsday: I prefer Pyro. And my birth name is only known by close family. LinkinPark r0xZ: oh, cool. PyroDoomsday: Jennie is a nickname for my extremely long and confusing Celtic name that was given to me by my parents. Haha. But I don't want to confuse anyone's spelling skills with that one. LinkinPark r0xZ: Oh. Cool... I just signed up to the DM boards... and I'm looking at this thread about your name, haha. I thought i'd ask. PyroDoomsday: Oh cool. Thanks for signing up. Have fun. LinkinPark r0xZ: My name is just plain ole' Amanda Michelle. Though, my dad wanted to name me Pepper mint Paddie (cause of my last name)... my mom wouldn't go for it. PyroDoomsday: Haha. I like Amanda Michelle. That's a very pretty name. LinkinPark r0xZ: Eh, I'm not sure about amanda... cause I get called man-man alot. PyroDoomsday: Aw well......I guess they just want to be......jerks.....heheh. But I like Amanda. LinkinPark r0xZ: Lol. Nah, they're not jerks... My cousin couldn't say it when we were babys. My mom and step dad call me that. Howver the jerks at the ones that call me Amanda Cow Paddie... Haha. PyroDoomsday: Wow. Lol.....well I gotta say.....how long do you think it tok them to come up with that> PyroDoomsday: Probably way too long. PyroDoomsday: *took*...i can't spell. LinkinPark r0xZ: Lol. I still like my last name though. I don't know why... I say if I ever get married, the guy is taking my last name. PyroDoomsday: Mi speeling iz so bad sumtymes that itz just inkredably stoopid. LinkinPark r0xZ: itz tottaly ok, lolz PyroDoomsday: Haha. PyroDoomsday: Well, Miss Amanda, it was great to meet you. LinkinPark r0xZ: It was nice meeting you too. PyroDoomsday: But, I really have to run. LinkinPark r0xZ: Ok. Have fun. =). PyroDoomsday: So next time you see Casey, Tell her I said thanks a lot. She's a cool kid. :) LinkinPark r0xZ: Ok. Bye. Talk to you some other time. :-D PyroDoomsday: Yeah, we'll talk again. Have a good one. Take care. |
The Site
This is a fansite for the talented singer, Pyro, from the band Strangeworld Underground. I DO NOT know her or any of the band members personally. Menu
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Name: Casey Location: USA Age: 20 Email: ExplosivesAreFun @ yahoo.com Name: Jen Location: USA Age: 21 Email: jashleyb @ gmail.com Archives
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